God Is my Sufficiency

A Story of Personal Healing

restful soul


Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

Several years ago I spent a significant amount of time researching Bible scriptures regarding health. A dear friend of mine was very ill and had exhausted all medical and holistic options. She was suffering greatly. Among the many verses I read was this little gem in the book of Matthew:

Therefore, I say to you, take no thought about your life, what you will eat, or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they do not sow, nor do they reap, nor gather into barns. Yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much better than they? Who among you by taking thought can add a cubit to his stature?
-Matthew 6:25–27 MEV

She was on my heart and mind and I couldn’t focus on anything aside from her healing.
I didn’t want to eat.
I didn’t want to sleep.
All I wanted was for her to heal.
Night after night I prayed myself to sleep on her behalf. My heart ached for her.

I was so preoccupied with thoughts of my friend that I accidentally neglected to take my own medication. I had been on Prednisone for over nine months for severe asthma and allergies. Each time the doctor tried to take me off the meds, I suffered asthma attacks and hives.

Since my friend had been sick, I lost track of the days. Then one day, suddenly it hit me! I hadn’t taken my prednisone or inhalers in over a week! Even more remarkable, I hadn’t had a single symptom of asthma or allergies during that time.

Once I realized my mistake, I made an appointment to see my allergist. We both agreed I should continue to try to do without the medication. This happened several years ago and I haven’t needed allergy or asthma medication a day since then.

I would never recommend anyone taking oneself off a necessary treatment protocol. Of course this was accidental. In my humanity, I mistakenly forgot my own needs. I wasn’t tempting God or acting out of any form of malice. Quite the contrary, I was so focused on my love for a friend that I simply forgot.

God Met my Needs

God doesn’t forget. He knew my needs and He met them. He healed my friend and He also healed me. This was one more way God has demonstrated His love and tender care.

That doesn’t mean I sit back and do nothing, expecting God to do everything for me. I do my part to take care of the body and the mind God gave me. I try to function at the best of my ability. But when I fall short, He catches me. When I can’t go the last mile,
He fills in the gap. When I am weak, He is my strength and sufficiency.

There is nothing for me to gain in worrying about anything. I can say with surety that God meets my needs. I do not have to worry about
what I will eat,
where I will live,
when I will sleep,
or how I will survive.

I do the best I can and He takes care of those things. Knowing this, I have a peace the world cannot give me, a peace the world can’t take away.

